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Tag: Adrienne Stevenson
From the BumblePuppy’s nest #001
Monday, June 11, 2024 — Not to complain, but being a one-man operation (while also being a full-time papa) isn’t easy. Priorities clash with priorities and all too often they cancel one another out.
One thing I have been intending to do for a long time, is to write a regular (weekly? monthly? Time will tell) update about what is going on at The BumblePuppy Press. And this, at last, is my first (published) attempt.
What is going on, you ask? Quite a lot, actually. So I think it’s best to work from the future into the (recent) past for this opening effort.
June 26: Save the date! Online book-launch for Skipping Stones
First, our most recent (chap)book, Skipping Stones (which you can buy here, along with the usual online options) is getting a virtual launch, even as I work at getting its authors out into the three dimensional world as well.
Adrienne Stevenson and Marie-Andrée Auclair will host that online event via Zoom at 7:00 PM eastern time on June 26, 2024. A reading from Skipping Stones by each will be followed by an interview with the authors.
The event is free, but registration is needed to take part. Please visit to register; it’s going to be a lot of fun!
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Zilla Novikov talks Cascade
On May 21st of this year, Reprise author Zilla Novikov made an appearance on This Book I Read … THE PODCAST, in which she discusses (among many other things), Rachel Rosen’s Cascade. Needless to say, this too is worth your time (as are both those novels!).
That interview is available from your favourite podcast source or directly from Beyond Cataclysm.
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Wizards and Spaceships podcast hosts David Clink and Rachel A. Rosen. And speaking of podcasts, Rachel started co-hosting one of her own in April. With poet David Clink, Wizards and Spaceships “… cast[s] spells and cast[s] off on brave new voyages while pondering life, the universe, and everything all at once. And the deep questions – Are we alone? Does magic exist? Tights – yes or no? And why are there no ugly people in space?”
• • •
That’s it for now. Our books are available from the usual online vendors and, of course, directly from our shop. I know I am biased, but it’s true: when you’re a small press like this one, all of our books are good books.
Happy reading!Geoffrey Dow, publisher
Now available for pre-order: Skipping Stones!
Poetry comes to the BumblePuppy Press
Image above shows front cover of Skipping Stones. May 19, 2024 — Most of us have experienced imposter syndrome at one time or another. For some of us, it is a never-ending story.
My own experience with it is that it very much depends on context. And publishing a book (or, as the authors prefer, a chapbook) of poetry is definitely one of them.
It’s not that I have no experience with verse — beyond song lyrics, and poems for children (Bob Dylan, Emma-Lee Moss, Lewis Carroll and A.A. Milne, please take a bow!), I have taken pleasure in Dylan Thomas and T.S. Elliot, but after that the list is a short one.
I take no pride in that — but no shame, either; some forms speak to us and some don’t, or don’t very often — but I do take pride in having had the good sense to recognize the qualities of the poetic dialogue contained within the covers of Skipping Stones, by Marie-Andrée Auclair and Adrienne Stevenson.
Written over a period of years as the authors shared their work with each other, they eventually came to realize they were, in a sense, dancing together with words.
The result is The BumblePuppy Press’ first collection of poetry, which I am thrilled to say will be published on May 28, 2024! And it is available now for pre-order, both here and at Amazon, with more to come soon.
Skipping Stones is a remarkable collaboration: sometimes funny, sometimes moving, always compelling and insightful. It will resonate with anyone who remembers what it was like to be young, or who has experienced the changes that come with living.
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A final note: if you are a book reviewer or blogger, please contact me (geoffdow (at) for a review copy. I hope it will soon be listed on BookSirens as well.
The new year promises wonders
Marie-Andrée Auclair, Geoffrey Dow, and Adrienne Stevenson sign on the proverbial dotted line, November 30, 2023. Thanks to our server at the Canal Ritz for taking the photograph. December 1, 2023 — Well, yesterday was fun. I had the great pleasure of sitting down to sign a contract old-school — pen on paper! — with Adrienne Stevenson (who is also a first-time novelist with this year’s release of Mirrors & Smoke) and Marie-Andrée Auclair, two Ottawa-based writers whose collaborative book of poems (or “chapbook”, if you prefer), Skipping Stones, will be published by The BumblePuppy Press in the spring of 2024.
I never thought we would branch out into poetry, but Skipping Stones is a book — chapbook! — whose sometimes meditative, sometimes funny, sometimes moving, poems demanded that we grow a new artistic limb.
There will be more information about this in the days and weeks to come.
• • • Speaking of branching out, stay tuned for announcements about a memoir, Life Is Good, written by Jules Paivio, who was the last living member of the famed Mackenzie-Papineau Battalion, and a children’s book, The Inclusive Winnie-the-Pooh, by A.A. Milne, edited and with an introduction by yours truly.
Also, though there have been some unexpected delays, Paul Adamson is hard at work on our first audiobook, Rachel Rosen’s Cascade.
All in all, I am pretty excited about the year to come for the BumblePuppy Press.
And meanwhile, all of our books currently in print are available on our website at 20% off! Click here to visit our store and save! After all, what better holiday gift can there be than a good book?