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Kickstarting Cascade!

What's in a cover? More than this!

Well, this is it: time for the hard sell.

After months of hard work, I am excited — nervously excited — to announce that our Kickstarter campaign for Rachel A. Rosen’s brilliant debut novel, Cascade is now up and running!

What’s a Kickstarter, you might ask?

Quite simply, it is a tool that allows creators to raise funds for their work and to raise awareness of it at the same time.

What that means for you, is that you have the opportunity to:

  • Become a patron of the arts, like the Medicis of old;
  • Pre-order a book that is sure to delight and disturb you in the format of your choice, including;
  • A signed, limited edition hard-cover volume, autographed by Rachel A. Rosen;
  • One of a limited number of autographed paperback copies; and
  • Ebooks in the format of your choice and DRM-free! And
  • Lots of special extras as well!

I have a toddler to take for a walk, so I’ll just add that you can check out our Kickstarter via

Kickstart Cascade

That's me!

P.S. And don’t forget to sign up for our mailing list to keep up-to-date with all of The BumblePuppy Press’ activities!