Tag: Reading

  • From the BumblePuppy’s nest #005

    Save the date! The Blight is coming

    A compulsive read: angry, articulate, and lyrical. Somehow, even its horrific fantasy elements only add to the sense that Blight presages tomorrow’s headlines (or it would, if those headlines were written by poets and the newspapers themselves weren’t all owned by billionaires). Rosen is rapidly proving herself to be the twenty-first century’s answer to John Brunner. In fact, this whole trilogy is shaping up to be a minor masterpiece.

    In the unlikely event that we shake off our collective stupidity and cowardice enough to fight against the current trajectory of our society— not to mention that of the whole damn biosphere—I want Rachel Rosen leading the revolution. — Peter Watts, author of Blindsight

    Ottawa, Monday, February 24, 2025 — Another week, another pre-publication blurb for Blight. If Peter Watts’ words don’t make you want to pre-order Blight, I don’t know what will!

    Or maybe you want to pick up a copy from the author herself?

    In that case, and if you will be in Toronto in early July, you’re in luck. Rachel will be reading from Blight and answering questions at Glad Day Bookshop on Thursday, July 3, 2025. The event will start at 6:30 PM. (Glad Day is located at 499 Church Street, Toronto, Ontario, M4Y 2C6. Their phone number is 416-901-6600, and email is shop@gladdaybookshop.com.)

    I haven’t seen Rachel perform onstage since the launch of Cascade 2022, but even then she was both entertaining and enlightening, and I can only presume she is that much better now.

    We are also working on getting Rachel more opportunities to meet her public, so watch this space for news. And of course, if you can’t make it, you can pre-order Blight right here or at most of the usual online options.

    Front and back covers of Blight, by Rachel A. Rosen

    Thanks and looking forward,

    Image shows Geoffrey Dow's signature
