Tag: blurbs

  • From the BumblePuppy’s nest #004

    From the BumblePuppy’s nest #004

    Rachel A. Rosen’s Blight available for pre-sale

    Cascade sequel to be published June 15, 2025

    “Rachel A. Rosen is a superb prose stylist and an incisive social commentator. Her post-apocalyptic Canada will haunt you forever. Predicting the future is supposed to be science fiction’s job, but Rosen shows that urban (and rural!) fantasy can do it, too, with sharp-edged commentary and real-world relevance. Look for this one on the award ballots.” — Robert J. Sawyer, Hugo Award-winning author of The Downloaded

    Image shows copies of Rachel A. Rosen's novel, Blight.

    Ottawa, January 31, 2025 — Rachel A. Rosen has come through with the second book in her Sleep of Reason trilogy, and it is everything a reader of the first book can want (except for the third book — for that, you’ll need to wait a little longer).

    Advance reviews are already starting to come in and (no surprise to me, if you’ll forgive me a little publisher’s hubris) they are good.

    You’ve read what Ottawa’s own Robert J. Sawyer (www.sfwriter.com/) had to say above (“Look for this one on the award ballots” indeed!), but wait! There’s more!

    “The second book in the series is even better than the first … Rosen is a daring voice in Canadian SFF, and she’ll break your heart while making you laugh.” — Michelle Browne, author of The Meaning Wars

    “Suffused with masterful horror and black humour and compassion for its beleaguered and all-too-human characters, this spellbinding chronicle of leviathanic magic, political intrigue, and righteous insurrection hurls a molotov cocktail at the evil lurking in humanity’s banal appetites for control.” — Dale Stromberg, author of Maej

    “A worthy sequel to an epic ecofantasy. The world’s on fire, it’s time to lick our wounds and start putting it back together.” —Zilla Novikov, author of Reprise

    “Rosen’s ability to create such a beautifully vivid picture of a vicious world as it slowly chokes to death is simply breathtaking.” — Rohan O’Duill, author of Cold Blooded

    What can I say? Blight fulfills every promise made by its predecessor.

    I am waiting for delivery of a physical proof, but you can reserve your copy now.

    Naturally, I (and Rachel) would love it if you did so directly through our website (www.bppress.ca/shop), but you can also pre-order the Kindle edition of Blight through the Big A (www.amazon.com/Blight-Sleep-Reason-Book-2-ebook/dp/B0DSLVL31N)and paper or ebook editions via Books2Read (books2read.com/u/mYVl9P).

    If you are a book reviewer or blogger, please contact me for a review copy in the electronic format of your choice via geoffdow (at) bppress.ca.

    •     •     •

    Speaking of Rachel, she is not only a disciplined writer and artist (and school-teacher), she has been keeping up with Wizards and Spaceships, the podcast she co-hosts with David L. Clink. Their latest episode features the launch of The Dance, a multiverse anthology featuring a new story by Rachel, among many others, as well as a report about last fall’s Can*Con held in Ottawa.

    Photo shows Shirley Meier and Ira Nayman standing behind a table displaying many books.
    Shirley Meier and Ira Nayman. Photo taken from the Wizards and Spaceships website.

    Rachel was also the Daily LFS – Lim Fic Spotlight this past Wednesday (check it out at Liminal Fiction, www.limfic.com/mbm-book-author/rachel-a-rosen/).

    More news about Blight and other BumblePuppy Press projects coming very soon!

    And (dare I repeat it), if you’re looking for something to read for yourself or a loved one, don’t forget to shop.

  • Cascade: The end of the beginning …

    Backers and blurbs and videos – oh my!

    Finally, something to make the hope-punks shut the fuck up.

    Peter Watts, author of Blindsight

    Cascade has blurbs!

    Well, our Cascade Kickstarter ended really successfully. 101 backers pledged 263% towards our modest $2,000 goal. If you are among those, please accept my thanks for your support one more time!

    I am working hard to get the rewards out as soon as possible, which also means I am working hard to make Rachel A. Rosen‘s book available to everyone else, as well, so that those of you who prefer to buy their books in more traditional ways can do so soon.

    * * *

    Beyond the support of readers, we’ve also had some advance praise from other writers. For the record (and for my own pleasure, if I’m being fully honest — as why shouldn’t I be?), here are what they’ve had to say to date.

    Finally, something to make the hope-punks shut the fuck up.

    A near-perfect blend of implacable horror, gallows humor, and ecological apocalypse. It seems almost absurd that a novel about chaos magic and bureaucrat magicians (even if they are embedded in the sociopathic morass of Canadian politics) can somehow feel more viscerally relevant than all the earnest mainstream novels and Suzuki-Foundation bulletins you could stuff into a ballot box. Pay attention, people: all magic aside, we’re far closer to this future than any of our rulers will ever admit. 

    Rachel A. Rosen is some kind of twisted genius. I wish I had even half her moves.

    Peter Watts, author of Blindsight

    Finally, an urban fantasy that kills the cop—and the rest of the  government—in your head. Relentlessly radical and often hilarious, Cascade will change the way you look at magic, and the state, forever.

    Nick Mamatas, author of The Second Shooter.

    Cascade is an excellent introduction to the imaginative prose of Rachel A. Rosen. Her debut novel takes us to a futuristic North America filled with vividly realized characters surrounded by magic and the possible end of the world. One of the few novels I’ve read recently in a single weekend. Sharp and thought-provoking, with thrilling moments and crackling with compelling ideas, I wouldn’t miss this one. I’m looking forward to her next instalment!

    Bryan Thao Worra, author of Before We Remember We Dream

    Rachel A. Rosen’s Cascade is one of the best books I’ve read this year. She brings a unique blend of magic environmentalism, Canadian politcking, and indigenous and queer rights to the table. I never thought I would be  so interested in the near-futuristic Canadian political process!

    Marsha Altman, author of The Darcys and the Bingleys

    Full of magic and social commentary, Cascade is never so witty that it hides its anger or so angry that it sacrifices wit. This is a brilliant exciting debut by an author that will have a long and fruitful career if there’s any justice in the world.

    Tim Lieder, author of Sugarplum Zombie Motherfuckers

    And if all of those very perceptive comments don’t convince you that Cascade is a novel worth your time and money, the redoutable Rachel A. has created something else for you!

    If you prefer to read electronically, Kindle-users can pre-order Cascade here. For the rest of you, you’ll be able to place pre-orders through our site soon, and through your usual online vendors soon after that.

    Don’t forget to subscribe to our mailing list in order to stay informed about this book, and those we have waiting in the proverbial pipeline!

    Thanks and looking forward,

    That's me!

    Geoffrey Dow, Publisher