Ho-Ho-Holiday Sale!

The BumblePuppy Press is pleased to offer a full 20% discount on all of our books, from now until December 25th (though, y’know, if you want them in time to put under the tree for that beloved bookworm in your life, best to order them now)! Click here or on the image below to visit our store.

(And note that we are offering in-person delivery for those of you living within bicycle distance of downtown Ottawa for only $5.00, a considerable saving off of Canada Post’s price. Please email orders@bppress.ca to make arrangements.)

Poster displaying The BumblePuppy Press' logo, and the covers of our existing and forthcoming books in two columns. From left-to-right, top-to-bottom: Black Grass, by Carl Dow; Cascade, by Rachel A. Rosen; So Human As I Am, by Rachel A. Rosen; The Old Man's Last Sauna, by Carl Dow; Reprise, by Zilla Novikov, Winnie-the-Pooh, by A.A. Milne, edited by Geoffrey Dow.


2 Responses to “Ho-Ho-Holiday Sale!”

  1. Rod Mickleburgh Avatar
    Rod Mickleburgh

    Goodness, could it be???
    Hi Geoffrey….i wonder if you remember me from the glorious summer of 1967 when i crashed at your parents place in Montreal, sharing a room with you and your brother….if you’re the same guy….hehe….
    Be fun to touch base….
    Cheers and Merry Christmas,
    Rod Mickleburgh

    1. Geoffrey Dow Avatar

      It could be, Rod – and it is!

      Truth to tell, I don’t remember much from the summer of ’67 (like so many who were there, I don’t remember much of the ’60s at all), but I do remember stories of your visit. Do the words, “Go to sleep, Geoff!” ring a bell? 🙂

      I’ll be seeing my dad tomorrow, and I have little doubt he’ll be delighted to know that I’ve heard from you.

      Merry Christmas to you and yours, as well – thanks for making contact!


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