• Jeanetics: A New Theory of Evolution



    Image: Photo of suddenly-fashionable blue-jeans, 20 years in the making!
    Carl’s famous blue jeans

    Holes In My Pants

    The Hole Truth About Blue Jeans and the Secret to Becoming a Fashion Plate on a Cautious Budget!


  • Publisher’s notebook 001

    Introducing the author: Carl Dow blogs

    By Geoffrey Dow

    Carl Dow, the man behind the BumblePuppy Press’ first book, and the editor and publisher of the online news magazine True North Perspective, has adding blogging to his repertoir. To celebrate, we are offering the e-book version of the Old Man’s Last Sauna for the special low price of only US$1.99!

    Click below to visit Smashwords, where you can buy the book in whichever format you prefer. (Or click here to order an autographed copy of the paperback.)



    Carl’s first blog is an account of a singular dinner party, at which Socrates was certainly not in attendance. Clicking here to read The Silence of Sounds. And please check back next week for another!

  • The Silence of Sounds

    They talked but no one listened

    By Carl Dow

    Image: Portrait of Carl Dow by Lena Wilson Endicott, 1995.
    Portrait of the author, by the late Lena Wilson Endicott, 1995.

    It was a private dinner for four. A doctor, an architect, a machinist, and me.

    We had worked our way through the appetizer and were into the main course.

    The doctor, a specialist in psychiatry, held her end of the table.

    “I really shouldn’t be saying this. Confidentiality and all that. But since you don’t know him, and I’m certain, will never meet him, I feel I can speak openly without actually breaking our privacy code. (more…)

  • Carl Dow profiled

    The author of The Old Man’s Last Sauna has conducted interviews more often than he has been the subject of one. Late last summer, he sat down with Erica Butler of the Centretown Citizens Ottawa Corporation, the long-time non-profit housing organization which built and manages the Beaver Barracks, a development whose genesis Carl covered in the online news magazine True North Perspective. And which he now calls home.

    In short order, the profile explores Carl’s long-time love affair with flying, the history (and future!) of one of Ottawa’s important landmarks and, of course, a writer’s life and work. Read More …

  • The Old Man’s Last Sauna

    Stories that will move, amuse and even shock
    in their subtle explorations of the human spirit

    From odes to loves lost and loves found; from a clear-eyed look at what it takes to destroy a strong man to the web of love between a mother and her son; from the greed that drives a man to murder to a father’s understanding of the difference between his son’s imagination and the lies that lurk in the minds of his grandparents, Carl Dow’s stories introduce a powerful voice for the 21st century, one born of the turmoil, violence and struggle for justice and understanding that marked so much of the 20th.

    A limited number (under two hundred) copies of The Old Man’s Last Sauna are still available directly from the publisher. Each will be autographed by the author and when they’re gone, they’re gone!

    Copies of the second edition can be ordered through your favourite online vendor.