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Rachel A. Rosen on Nalo Hopkinson
Rachel talks Brown Girl In the Ring and more with CM Lowry

January 13, 2023 – Cascade (and The Sad Bastard Cookbook) author Rachel A. Rosen was interviewed by C.M. Lowry on Beyond Cataclysm Books‘s podcast This Book I Read … The Podcast, which was uploaded yesterday.
It was a wide-ranging discussion that, while focused on SFWA Grandmaster Nalo Hopkinson’s first novel, Brown Girl In the Ring, covered topics including Canadian literature, Kim Stanley Robinson’s Mars trilogy, Post-apocalyptic Toronto and Ontario, white flight and inner city decline (or otherwise), the Afro-Caribbean diaspora, and the challenges of predicting the future back in the 1990s.
It might sound like a lot to cover in not much more than 30 minutes, but I (admittedly, a biased listener) thought it was a fascinating discussion.
The full podcast is here: or wherever you get your podcasts.

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